How to build a chicken Coop From Old wood and Pallets !!

 First you have to find that good pallet wood!! 

Then you have to break it apart. 

Once you break apart the Pallet wood you just 

Then you just start putting it together. 

 Build you a frame and just do some cutting and measuring then are you can build the roof!!

You can see hows it starting to come together. 

Here is a better view 

Had to break apart some pallets for more wood. Lol
Ouch I hit myself in the hand with a hammer. 
 Pallets !! Who would have guessed there is free building materials everywhere!!

Well the roof is nearly finished!!

 Here is another angle. 

Well I'm not bleeding anymore. Lol 

 Here it is , Ready for the Chicken Wire!!

The chickens love it!!! 
 This is where they lay their eggs.

 Doesn't it look so pretty!!

 These chickens will be laying eggs in no time!!
 Its amazing you can use trash to build things that save you money and provide a stable food source that you can rely on !! Its as sustainable as it comes!


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