Sustainability always saved humanity. Joke is on me. I miss Olivia .

I miss you Olivia Rose and Aya in Denmark , I am sorry to your baby mothers for pushing them away. I don’t agree with their behaviour one bit, abandoning  me, nor should you excuse it either. But I love you, I will always love you forever . 

Today is September 2nd , 2022 . I have been stuck in a religious delusion for 10 years since 2012 . I wprogrammed from my Ptsd , combined with my religious beliefs, and all the doomsday prepper shows I used to watch. All of that combined together along with two neighbours , who fired 8 gun shots at 3am. Pushed me to leave USA in 2016. Travelling through New Zealand , Denmark, Fiji , Australia, and China . And I have settled for good in Australia with my Thai Wife and Our Australian Son Joshua , Thanks be to God. 

I woke up around 3 months ago, coming to the highest realisation that this is not the end, the economy experienced a little turmoil, with Covid no doubt that surprised me , but now everything seems to be getting totally back to normal. 

Life is better than ever, I see country after country doing more sustainable things than ever before . TESLA is building giant factory’s to make the best battery’s.  USA and Sydney are trying to phase in electric vehicles over the next 10 years as much as possible. All the major vehicle manufacturers that can are trying to get into electric vehicles and figure out how to make them as efficient as possible. 

I see over the last ten years , we have experienced some little shocks with the supply chain but nothing serious . Of course everything has gone up a bit in price especially fuel. But now everything seems to be stable and  growing gardens and no doubt sustainability is saving humanity. People all around the world are more conscious about how fragile everything is and how quickly everything can change. But now we see how fast it is back to normal almost like nothing happened at all. 

Life is GOOD , many people are still struggling, but for the most part life is Good . I realised life always was good, but in my mind because of my delusion about doomsday prepping I focused on sustainability for wrong reasons. I can see clearly now it makes no difference what the reason , clearly sustainability is the future. What is sustainable always remains , it’s the way of past, present and future. Sustainability has saved humanity since the beginning, it will never be different. It’s the nature of what sustainable means. 

God is the greater sustainer no doubt . And all the prophets to include Isa the son of Virgin Mary . May peace be upon all of them. Jesus Christ , Isa, Yeshua ,Joshua. Or what ever you call the messiah in your language, Messiah Ben Joseph, he taught that a tree planted by the stream always produces fruit . The a real good example of sustainable aquapondics. 

It truly feels like we have all made it to heaven , the ones who work hard no doubt have a better living standards than anytime in human history from the east to the west. For sure there is so much work to be done , but it feels like everyone who works hard is enjoying the fruits of their labor’s and life is good.  

I am sorry for any negative vibes people got from my pushing of sustainability and pressure to grow food. I can see many people followed my advice and are having gardens, but it feels good to know it was never necessary to survive. I have came to higher realisations that the world has been losing oxygen over the years, hopefully the graphs 📈 isn’t fake news about the oxygen level. But the most amazing thing is gardens produce more oxygen, so the more trees and gardens we plant the more oxygen that will go into the atmosphere which is really good for everyone not only me . So either way , gardens and trees are good advice, fruit trees were ordered to be planted by all the prophets of God , including Jesus and Muhammad peace be upon them. So you really can’t go wrong planting fruit trees , plus you get free fruit. 

It is sad for all the people who passed away from Covid; may peace be upon them. For everyone else , may peace be upon you to . It’s a blessing everyday to wake up and have food and roof, and family and friends. All praise to the Most High . God is Greater. Sustainability saved, is saving, and will continue to save humanity. Praying to end conflict in Ukraine . And for conflict resolution worldwide, may all living beings be free from suffering and delusion . ❤️


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