Them Oil Changes, that's the way it is.

Them Oil Changes !!!

So today I decided if I'm going to ever be able to save extra money and start living a debt free and sustainable life then I need to cut out some excess spending habits. The first way I thought of was to change my own oil. Here is how I did it!

First you got to find the good deals on OIL. Its all about going to a store, grabbing the advertisements for the week and BAM! Look there , 5 Quarts plus filter for 33.99 plus 10 $ Gift card. That's 22.99$ for a full synthetic oil change.  

Luckily for me I have been getting deals on oil changes like this for the last two years. It's always good to have at least one or two oil changes worth of oil and filters in the stockpile. In case of job layoffs and such, you never know what tomorrow will bring. 
Get your Oil and tools and get to work! 

Ok so I have to tell you, this is a dirty job. I definitely turned a pair of nice jeans into work jeans lol.

First you need to find that Drain Plug. Mine was underneath the front end. 

Put your ratchet on and get ready for the drip.

I Burned my hand and spilled the some of the oil on the street. Lol next time I would be more careful about the placement of the oil drain pan.

Next you have to change the Oil Filter. 
Mine has a cover and it was just under the front bumper. 

Once you remove the cover you can see the Oil Filter. Just Unscrew it and make sure you have the drip pan ready. Remove it by Turning Counter Clockwise. There will be oil coming out. So, don't forget to bring a towel! I had to use some serious
strength and get the perfect angle to get this off. It took about 5 minuets of readjusting. Also your hand will have to be in the right position to remove it. 

Then you let it drain for a few minuets and screw the new one on. 

Dont forget to screw the drain plug back in as well!

Now its time to get the new oil in. Locate A plug with this symbol underneath your hood. 

Use a funnel and pour in your oil. Mine took 5.2 quarts. 

If you make a mess then use some De-greaser  dish soap and scrub it down with water to clean it up. 

Then you go to your local auto store and they have a oil dump in the back you can dump your used oil! 

And that is how you get a Full Synthetic Oil change for 23.99 !  Boom


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