Abel Tasman New Zeland

On our way to start the Abel Tasman!! Since we had to cars we opted to park one at the end of the track and drive the other to the beginning. It was definitely the most sustainable way to do the hike. :)

The Mountain Views were pretty sweet!!

 At that starting line!!! 
 Only 11.8 Km to our first stop!!
 The first of many panoramas. lol 

 Half way only 6.9 KM to go!!
 More Panoramas at the first stop for a snack!
 Who brings 12 boiled eggs on a 3 day hike? This guy. lol 
 You know I got that good good curry on my eggs. 
 There is the bag, I didn't have enough room so I attached a back pack to it as well.

 Got to have my vitamins in that sweet sour lemon, its the secret to my amazing strength and endurance. Who would have guessed the benefits of eating raw lemons!!
 View of the Bays behind the trees. 
 Hungry!!? You know I got them wild apples, yummy. 
 Only 4.6 Km to the finish of the first day!! Honestly my body already felt broken. I had way to much stuff in my pack. And I couldnt feel my shoulders or arms anymore. Lol , But I drove on!!
 That island looked pretty sweet!
 Selfie Time!!
 There was many side routes we took to take more pictures. It only added a few Km to our trip.

More selfies. Lol

 He was getting tired of me taking pictures haha. 

 Nice lookout for a break. 

 More selfies LOL!!!
 For my pack being so heavy , I was handling the pain pretty well. But who couldn't with a view like that!!?
 I mean it's ok. lol 
 The panorama brings in the entire view. Well at least 180 degrees of it. lol 

 Holy Moly I was so happy to see this sign after 4 years of walking!!!

 My back pack fell and it made it much more difficult to carry . I had to get that fixed for the next day. Haha 

 I find mushrooms to be so beautiful!!!
 We actually had a bit longer to walk from anchorage to Te Pukatea Bay. Only 30 mins but it felt like a life time!!
 We got to the bay and saw this rare seal taking a nap. We woke him in the video. He had some massive teeth so we decided to leave him alone. lol 
 Pano of the Bay of course!!

 The question you have is.... How in the world did I fit all this in my bag... Well that is why I brought two bags lol...

 Getting that dinner ready. Zuccini with pasta. 
 That fire stove Jona brought was so Legit. It warmed us while we cooked. :)
 Them Germans know how to cook that good good food. 

 Yum Dinner is served.  
Cheese Pasta with Zucchini 
Rice and Lentils and thai chili tuna with cashews 
Swiss Chard 
and that German bread!! 

They say you are what you eat. That is why I eat that food that nourishes my body so I can be a champion and inspire others to do the same.  

 Woke up at 7 to watch that sunrise. It was simply put, one of the most magical experiences of my life. 
 This panorama was one of the top pictures ever taken in my life. As we all stood their in silence staring at the sun rising. I felt so connected with god. The picture does it little justice. 

 Tent was nice, a little cold. But totally worth the experience. 

 The view from the look out !!

 One of the many many beaches we walked across on this beautiful journey.

 First stop cleopatras pool. Then on to torrent bay and further. 

 Saw a few kids going to the pool to check it out. I love how all the Kiwis teach their kids about mother nature. taking them on these long walks to teach them about whats really important in life. 

  Im pretty sure this tree was just talking to me. lol 

 Had to take a 3 Km detaur to see cascade falls. We opted to run there and leave our packs at the trail exchange. It was a nice run. The waterfall view was totally worth it. 

 More of them mushrooms. 
 Them mushrooms. lol make me giggle . Haha 

 Only 7 Km further to Bark Bay. 

 Those side routes are totally worth the view. 
 Got to have that snack. 


 Them panoramas are the closest way I can show the beauty of this place. 
 Only 1.2 Km to go!! Praise jesus, we did close to 18 Km on this day. My body was so broken. lol 

 Oh snap, we made it to bark bay, but realized we actually had booked Onetahuti campsite. So we still had 5.5 km to go. Ahhhhhhh I wasnt sure if I could make it. Lucky for me. Wilson helped with my second bag for the last few Km. I was thankful. 

Them Bridges!!

 Dinner is served !! Rice and lentils with tuna. YUMMY

 With spaghetti  of course!
 Sunrise on Day two.     

 How can one not have a smile when seeing the beauty of this great earth !!?
 Oats with wild apples for breakfast. Don't forget the cinnamon !!
 Nutella with Peanut butter anyone!! 

 It tastes even better when eating it with a view like this.
 The pano brings it all into Perspective!! 

 More selfies. haha 

 I couldnt feel my bag anymore. After day two it was easy as pie. Figured I could handle days like this now. 

 Fun with the Panoramas!!

 This bridge...

 Only 12.4 Km to the finish line!!!! 

 We had to wake up at 6:30 to eat and beat the High Tide. Luckily we made it. 

 An apple a day, Keeps the doctor away!!!
 Wow more panoramas lol. 

 We had to take our shoes off to cross where the tide was low. But not all the water was gone. 

 The water was ICE cold, but refreshing!! 

 Panoramas for Dayssssssss!
 My bag wasnt heavy at all. lol. 

 Amazing !!!
 When you ask him to take a pic of you and he takes selfies. haha. 

 Little crabs everywhere. 
 This octopus didnt make it out before the tide lowered. He was still alive and the tide was coming in a hour. I'm sure he made it .... 

 We beat the tide!! 

 That sun was so beautiful with the sea below it. 

 Nice view from the trees!!


The finish line!!!!!!

 After 52 Km for 3 days, you know we had to eat lunch on the beach!!!> 
 Got to love them sandwiches!! 

 That beautiful Beach!!
 Lucky for these two, I had to drive back, so they were ready to pass out!!

Here is the Video of course!!!

2:50 we Swim in Cleopatra's pool. 
10:30 we see a large Seal..
12:34 you can see what made my bag so heavy.
19 Min you can see a octopus!! 
20:40 we are done, singing hey there Delilah.
Lol Hope you enjoy the trip. Until next adventure!! 
Sustainable Scott!!  


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