A Anglican Church service in Oamaru New Zealand. At 5 Minuets in she asked me to do a reading!!!

Here is a video of me at a Anglican church in New Zealand. I had never been to a church like this before. The pastor was such a sweet lady, she let us stay at her house for free and use the wifi. She also made us bread and gave us food from her garden. It was such an amazing experience. 

She even had me read during the service. It was only me and one other lady in the service. It felt very special.   

During the service she prayed for the Syrian refugees and I cried. It really touched me to hear the way she prayed for them.      

At 5 minuets she had me read some verses from the book and It was as if she was telling me the reason why she was so kind and open to sharing her house and food was because Jesus was the same. It was an extremely spiritual experience. So glad I was lucky enough to witness it. 


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