Why Sustainability why Sustainable Scott ???

Why Sustainability???  Why does it matter? I realized I started this blog about sustainable living and I haven't shared why yet... Global warming is my number 1 reason for starting sustainable Scott  !!

Haha no I'm just kidding, It would be such a cop out to just say global warming and leave it at that.  I mean I believe the Earth is getting warmer, science tells us that. But science also tells us the earth was in a ICE age and it ended about 12  Thousand years ago.  So for me, the term "Global Warming" In itself is a fallacy. The earth has been warming for 12 thousand years lol.

 Now as for pollution, carbon emissions and such, this is another story. I don't think anyone would go up to a running car and take a deep breath of the air coming out of the tail pipe. If they did they would surly be  a imbecile. . If its not good enough for us to breath in then how could it be good for the earth?  

Two years ago I had the pleasure of taking a environmental science class. This class I would say, greatly changed the way I see the world. 

In this class the course load was insane, we had papers and projects due every week. In fact I remember a good 35% of the class didn't pass and the professor caught some slack for it. I think any one who has taken an environmental science class would agree. We are destroying the Planet and its happening at a rate that seems only to grow. From all the numbers we are approaching 7.3 Billion people on the planet. There are more humans living now then any time before in our recorded history.  It's easy to see why all the other species are going extinct.  Most environmentalist like  to paint a very grim future, looking at the numbers. 

WAIT! I made a promise to myself to not go down that path. The path of hopelessness, I would assume many scientists who see the numbers, all wonder down this road.   It's a easy road to go down. Just throwing in the towel, saying there is no hope. That's not what Sustainable Scott is all about. 

There is hope. There is tremendous hope for the world. I believe the world could support 20 billion people. It would be so easy. Just get it every person on the planet  to come to the same conclusion about one simple fact. The earth is alive.  It is a living organism.  The way I see it there are 4 kinds of people in the world. 
1st there are the people who are unaware, the ones who have never been exposed to the idea that the earth is alive. 
2nd you have the people who are aware. They are aware the earth is alive, and they carry out their lives for the better of the earth.
 3rd . You have the people who are aware the Earth is alive, but they don't care, they live their lives to kill the earth. 

The 4th kind of person makes up the vast majority of society, these are the people that are aware the Earth is alive, would love to help it, but are too busy just trying to Survive that they don't have the time or energy to contemplate how to fix it. These are the people this blog is for. This is why I started Sustainable Scott  to help people who are just trying to Survive. 

With inflation and cost of living increases it seems like our money is buying us less and less. The most logical thing for people to do is try to live a more sustainable life. Living sustainable lives increases every ones chances, and adds to the worlds ability to sustain more lives. 
Because the more sustainable your live becomes the more money you have to grow. And the more money you grow, the easier it becomes, to have the time, to contemplate on how to fix the earth. lol
 Because it's easy looking at the numbers to see why its important to live a more sustainable life. 
Oh I almost forgot the numbers...... 

The numbers...
The numbers I remember from my environmental science class were about the ecological footprint of different society's around the world. 

When I saw this image I remember thinking dang we contribute more to "Global Warming" then all the countries in the world except for them OIL countries lol. But I didn't do anything about it. I saw this and it literally did nothing for me. In fact it took several years for me living my life, slowing getting more and more debt, and clinching my budget tighter and tighter. Until I hit rock bottom but now I finally woke up. I've realized the vast majority of stuff I was spending money on wasn't necessary. It's what sustainability is all about. Spending money on what is necessary for survival is more sustainable then spending money on that which is not necessary for survival. 

Obviously that sounds like something some self righteous douche would say.  Seriously I don't think any american could only live their lives spending money on that which is only necessary for survival. I KNOW I COULDN"T . I've spent thousands of dollars to go on vacations around the world. I got my computer, my brand new truck. My Tv lol I wouldn't wan't to ever live in a world without vacations! Come on, but one must find balance. If I would have known all the info I know now I would be debt free and own a farm. If I only spent money on what was necessary for survival and not material things I would be a millionaire. 

 Everyone who want's to make the world a better place should wan't to take steps to live more sustainable lives. Its the most logical thing to do for anyone who wan'ts to get out of the trap of just trying to survive.  Sustainability is the only way.  That is why I started sustainable Scott to get the word out, and to help people who are just barley scraping by. The united states has so much excess. Literally so many people who are blessed and have the time and money just give away their old stuff. Perfectly good stuff. It is far better to get old items for free then to spend money on new ones.  As for everyone who want's to not only survive, but Thrive, follow my blog and I can show you what I have learned in my 28 trips around the sun! 


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