How TO get Free Solar Panels!!

Follow the above link if your serious about getting solar panels for free. 

If you want solar panels for free and have decent credit this is by far the easiest way to go. I have a 10,000 kilowatt system. I paid nothing out of pocket and it took less than 3 months from call to finish. 
Since the panels have been installed, my electricity went down by 100$ a month. The plan I have is 3 cents more per kilowatt then my old electric company.  Which to most people it would not seem to be a smart business decision to add more cost to their electricity bill. 

 The key here is with Solar City you have the instant ability to monitor your electricity.  You can see real time, down to the cent, how much your electricity cost.  My AC unit cost 45 cents a hour, and my fridge cost 3 cents a hour. I walked around my house and turned everything off and turned one thing on at a time to calculate how much each electric device in my house uses.  Then we unplugged several night lights and a water cooler because they simply used to much electricity.  

Every day for several weeks I stayed on top of the usage and realized just by making sure every day to be aware of lights being left on. Turning off the tv, and surround sound. Also by always making sure to keep the doors shut and keeping track of my AC usage. 

Now this does take effort, its not easy to change habits, its hard work! Only because it requires focus and effort, you have to live it.  If you wan't to save money, and use your hard earned money on other things you should do this. I mean why waste money on electricity. Just think about how much electricity is wasted in america everyday. If every family had one electricity monitor in the house and instantly every house on the street saved 100$ on electricity think about how much money would be saved. What would you buy with 100$ extra every month? 

 Besides wasting money  by leaving lights on you keeping your AC on too much, then you have to become a electricity Natzi.   The most awesome thing about it is it only takes 21 days to make a habit. After you become a electricity natzi for 21 days, it becomes routine. It's like second nature to me now, everyday I turn every light off, and all electronics, computers have to be shut down. Not sleep mode. Tv's as well. Another way I cut electricity was by keeping all the kitchen appliances unplugged as well. 

It's still not enough though. The greatest thing about our generation is access to new technology. New technology is the key to sustainability. That is where this little beauty comes in. 

Image result for nest thermostat

The Nest Learning Thermostat
This device cost 249. I understand that is a large purchase, but here is the deal. It literally saves you on average 30% off your  electricity bill. It's does this by programming itself to your use. It learns your schedule and adjust's itself accordingly. It's also has a Auto Away feature to turn itself off automatically.  If you average 150 on your bill and buy a nest it will take about 6 months to pay itself off. 

About Solar City
The chairman of the Board for Solar City is 

Elon Musk and solar city is Partnered with Tesla and they also sell the back up battery whole house powerwall. 

Each Powerwall has a 7 kWh energy storage capacity, sufficient to power most homes during the evening using electricity generated by solar panels during the day. Multiple batteries may be installed together for homes with greater energy needs. A 10 kWh weekly cycle version is available for backup applications.

Imagine how much fossil fuel or coal we would have to burn if every house on the street decided to get solar panels. Also if anything were to happen with the economy how much better would it be for every one to have solar panels? Not dependent on the outside world for electricity is the most sustainable action anyone person could take. For survival its imperative.


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